Thursday 2 February 2012

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Through analysis of my survey results, I was able to get a fair understanding of the type of audiences my horror film appeals to. On the above, this is an image of a typical member of my target audience. She is a female of 16 years who enjoys watching a lot of horror films. Her favourite horror films are a variety of types of Horror like thriller and paranormal; her favourite movies include paranormal activity 1&2, scary movie and orphan.   As well as films of horror, she also watches a lot of TV shows- especially CSI, The Wire, Luther, Charmed etc. While watching films and TV shows, she likes to drink a lot coke, sprite and supermalt. During the weekend, she enjoys going out with friends to the cinema, to the park and clubs. On the way to each destination, she prefers to ride her bike or take train; travelling buy bus makes her feel claustrophobic. During holiday period, she enjoys spending quality time with her whole family especially on holidays to Disney Land Paris and Butlins. Throughout her holiday, she enjoys taking part in activities such as archery, swimming, go- carting etc. After taking part in these activities, she likes to indulge in restaurants like Nandoes, Harvester, Chinese cuisines etc.

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

After completing my film, I had more of a clearer understanding of the type of audiences my media product will appeal to. In my film, the things that would have appealed to my audience of young teenagers- mostly girls is the association of the main character. She is a female who is left vulnerable to fend for herself. Most teenagers these days, due to many negative life experiences, they are left vulnerable to all dangers as their emotions fluctuate. For this reason, their innocence attract things that are able to   prey on their innocence and use it to their advantage. Moreover, through many methods of research, I had realised young teenagers between the ages of 14 and above preferably prefer to watch horror movies associated with the supernatural and the unknown.
 For this reason, I was able to construct a character who is relatable to them through the elements of the suspense of the unknown. This was emphasised through the ghostly character in my film in which haunts the innocent girl. Furthermore, the subject matter will also appeal to the target audience. In my film, the main female character is a young girl had an abortion. This is relatable to the teenagers who are my audiences because again through research, I realised that most girls of that age are sexually active- statistics prove. For this reason, by me choosing my character to have an abortion will send a deeper message to the audiences. It would create the awareness that being sexual at that premature age could have its consequences.

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