During last weekend and this week, I was able to do research in and out of class on opening credits of a variety of films. During my research, I was able to find out many information in which I will input in my own film.
Firstly, I found out that most opening credits are shown really fast and there's a specific order in which each title is in. In most cases, the title of film are not shown first.
Secondly, the fonts, colours and sizes of the credits always compliment the theme of the film. For example, in then film 'SE7EN', the credits have a bright red colour and the fonts are in italics. Through this, the audiences automatically are aware of the theme of the film- horror. Moreover, I researched more on opening credits by analysing the times in which each credit was placed at in both films; 'SE7EN' and ' Vertigo'. I displayed both my analysis on a timeline which is placed at the bottom
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