Tuesday 6 December 2011


In my lesson today, I was able to start my first day of editing my coursework horror film. This was one of my most difficult challenges to date.
My first obstacle was the simple fact that me and my partner had shot too much footage and the duration of various footage were too long. As a result, we had to cut down on a lot of material and even leave out certain scenes.

Editing was also very challenging as me and my partner had clashed a lot. Scenes that I preffered to include was not what my partner preffered and vice versa. To solve the situation, which had to emerge both scenes into the editing but cut down the duration of the scenes.

If I was to do anything differently in my editing, I would add more footage that we originally planned to add as an effect. There were many scenes we had filmed that were very unique which were never included in the editing of the film as it was too long or it didn't compliment with other scenes before or after it. However, as me and my partner continue to edit our film, we will use more effective scenes as well as video and sound effects such as blurring and foley sounds to create various moods and make every scene very effective and dynamic to watch.

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