Tuesday 17 July 2012


During my lesson today, I was given the opportunity to present my presentation of my music video pitches to my whole class so I can recieve positive feedback as well as criticisms of how I can improve. My feedback was very productive and I have taken all comments into consideration. Some of which are my target audience were limeted and as a result my music video can be limited. Moreover, it is not on ly 15-18 year olds that listen to indie music so for video to appeal to a wide range I must expand the target audience to teenagers and young adults. Although my ideas were said to be well thought through, precise and realistic, some of the issues were if my ideas will look like a music video and how would I be able to cast a good actors and actresses. Overall, the storyline is effective and the indie song fits the type of message I am trying to pursue.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Music Video Mood Board

On top is a picture of my mood board I had created today as part of my research and planning for my music video. My inspiration came from my music video song I have chosen. The song conveys lots of dark emotions normal teenagers feel in times of troubles such as defeat, insecurity, sadness, stress, isolation etc. The dark colours in my mood board illustrate these feelings. Moreover, the unusual pictures of both the male and female gender express the two types of characters I have chosen to input in my video. Both look restricted, unique, troubled and out of place. This is due to the fact that my intention for the style as as mood of the video is to promote equality amongst the youths of today. We should not be afraid to stand out or be free from stereotypes. Moreover, we shouldn't have to be afraid that we would be isolated or look down upon because we are different. All teenagers have the right to be treated equally as an individual and express themselves the way they know how. As a result, my mood board conveys the message of breaking free from the wall of inequality, stereotypes and discrimination. The board symbolises the feelings of the victimised and naive teenagers I am trying to reach out to with my music video; it is an encouragement to break free and Peirce a bullet through their dark place. My goal is for these teenagers to discover their true selves after watching my video. After all, there is only one race. The Human race.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Britney Music Video

To practice my skills as a director, cameraman and editor, I created a parody of the classic video of Britney Spears ' Hit Me Baby One More Time'. As part of my research and planning, I was able to learn that while filming videos, most of your well laid out plans don't always come to past as inspiration from the surroundings help create more space for creativity and improvisation. While editing, my work, I learnt that it is more sensible to film at least three versions of each scene because some scenes may not turn out the way you planned or the way you imagined so having a back-up for each scene makes it easier to edit; a variety is sensible. Furthermore, I learnt that if making a video includes artists singing along with the songs, it is better to get them singing many different parts of the songs- not just one specific part as it causes a dilemma of insufficient timing. If while shooting, the artists only mimes to one specific part of the song, that is the only footage that you are able to input in your editing where the artists sings with the song instead of a variety of sections. Overall, I enjoyed the filming and as director, I was able to not only be creative, but think on the spot, be patient and work well with people who I was open to for suggestions.

Monday 18 June 2012


For my music video, there is a particular type of audience I'll be trying to aim at. Both male and female teenagers is the specific audience is whom I choose to target my music video as they are the future and I believe its my duty as a teenager myself to bring a certain message to all teenagers which I can get out there through my music video.  The type of teenagers- aged 12 and over are those who are different and as a result are casted out of society. They are not afraid to be alone and as result, have no friends. Some of their characteristics include the following:

Due to the fact the teenagers I choose to target my music video at are unique, they tend to listen to a unique style of music. Something that modern teenagers today wouldn't consider to listen to on a daily basis such as indie/ country music- possibly some rock music as well. Artists such as Ed Sheeren and Hurts are the sort of artists they will prefer to idolise. 
Moreover, due to the fact that they like to isolate themselves from society, my target audience will probably prefer to spend their weekends in the comfort of their bedrooms listening to music and being artistic such as drawing and sketching. And if they were supposedly going out, public transport is what they will prefer to avoid and instead walk shorter distances and cycle longer distances. This is because public and crowded places may make them feel insecure, paranoid and uncomfortable. 

As a result, even the place they live are isolated council estates such as the image on the side. These estates are quiet and not many people live here. And the teenagers who are less privilege live in small hostels. 
Some their favourite TV shows to watch when they have nothing else to do are cartoons such as Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon. While watching these sort of shows, there type of drinks they choose to drink while the shows are on are mostly alcohol even though they are underage. They are defiant due to their loneliness so drowning their sorrows away by drinking beverages such as Guinness makes them feel whole. 

Also in their spare time, they would probably cycle as well skate as a sports. And if they were to have a partner or companion to accompany them during their sports, they would be just like them. In addition, after a long time playing sports their preferred restaurants to dine will be fast food restaurants such as MC Donald's and KFC.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Excellence of a music video

I deliberately chose this video due to its excellent techniques to use unique elements to make the video memorable. For example, throught the duration of the music video, the screen is split into three. This is different and unique as it allows viewers to visually see the artists imbalanced emotions due to the heart break of loosing his partner.
The music video portrays a storyline which every person rather male or female can relate to. Consequently, it gives emphasis to the lyrics of the song which makes the song in itself realistic as well as believeable.
The mis-en-scene as well as the storyline illustrates a sensual tone to the song which links to the genre of the song. RNB and soulful music normally have a very sexual/ sensual tone so the video uniquely conforms to this stereotype through  the action as well as storyline which is cleary shown