Thursday 10 November 2011

Animatic film opening review

During the course of this week, i had finished creating my horror film storyboard. My next task was to transform each part of my storyboard into an animation. I took a picture of each part of the storyboard then transferred it into my computer to edit it. During the duration of my editing, I was able to add sound that were copyright as well as Foley to various scenes and change the duration of how long each scene according to my opinions will be.
After the time limit me and my partner had to complete our task, we had to showcase our animation to the whole class for some useful feedback. One of the main feedback we got was the length of various scenes. we learnt that some scenes needed to be shortened and others more long to make it more realistic. As well as this, some of the sounds used in the background needed to compliment some scenes as some of the sounds did not relate to what was happening at that particular time. For example, dripping water should not have been used when the victimised character was opening the door of the church as it is not realistic. Overall, all criticisms and comments were useful and will be implemented into my film animation to improve the quality of my final piece.

Here is a video of my animatic:

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