Tuesday 18 October 2011

Espiridion- My Horror Film Opening

In the past week, I was able to put all my ideas together to come up with a basic structure/ plan of my horror film opening. I presented all my ideas on a presentation through the Prezi website and presented it to the rest of my classmates in whom were able to give my various feedback.
The constructive criticism- both positive and negative I got from my classmates were very useful as I was able to implement all of the feedback into my planning. For example, while working with my partner, through our presentation and critisim, I realised that both our ideas were similar but not the same. Therefore, I was able to compromise with my partner and combine both our ideas into one which as a result, created the perfect plot for our horror opening. Another point I got from my feedback was the idea of the unseen. When a scary or voilent act is taking place, it's more terrorfying to not see the person doing the violent act than seeing the person doing the violent act. Therfore, most of my scenes will be based on the concept of the unseen. Also, it was adviced that the character  Destiny- who is one of the main characters, should be a women instead of a teenger as it would make the film more realistic. Overall, all feedback was taken into account by me and my partner which really benefited us as we was able to summarise all of our ideas in our planning without loosing both our seperate ideas. We even came up with a title for the film which was named Espiridion which is Greek for 'Little Soul'. The link below is a link to my Prezi horror plan.

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